welcome to RIEF PHOTOGRAPHY porto polio

Thanks to all...

Fotografi adalah suatu ungkapan hati, imajinasi, emosi yang salurkan melalui media perekam cahaya yang sering disebut kamera, sehingga menghasilkan sebuah hasil karya seni tinggi yang mampu menggambarkan atau melukiskan suatu kejadian, moment, keindahan dan ungkapan lainnya dalam sebuah media yang disebut FOTO.

Membuat foto yang bagus perlu adanya sebuah imajinasi tinggi, kreatifitas, pematangan konsep, pengalaman, dan sedikit keberuntungan. Terkadang foto yang bagus bagi fotografer belum tentu bagus buat orang lain, dari faktor inilah yang membuat RIEF PHOTOGRAPHY terus berusaha menciptakan foto yang mampu membuat orang lain terkagum-kagum dengan karya-karya ditangan fotografer professional dengan balutan digital imaging yang mampu memanjakan orang lain untuk selalu bisa menikmati hasil karya dari RIEF PHOTOGRAPHY.

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to dian & lala - location on waduk cermo yogyakarta - photo by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to ina & agus - location on glagah beach yogyakarta - photo n design by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to Putra n Yesica - location on plaosan temple - photo n editing by rief photography

pre weddding - rief photography

pre weddding - rief photography
thanks to ina & agus - location on east coast yogyakarta - photo n editing by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to ayu & fogrhan - location on mirota batik yogyakarta - photo n editing by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to chici n coco - location on artha hotel yogyakarta - photo n editing by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to eka & ramdani - location on studio rief yogyakarta - photo n editing by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to ina & agus - location on area east coast yogyakarta - photo n editing by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to ina & agus - location on glagah beach yogyakarta - photo by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to dian & lala - location on parangkusumo beach yogyakarta - photo n design by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to niken & henky - location on prambanan temple yogyakarta - photo n editing by rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography

pre wedding - rief photography
thanks to datik n iwan - location on tambi wonosobo - photo n design by rief photography

wedding - rief photography

wedding - rief photography
thanks to client - photo n editing by rief photography

wedding - rief photography

wedding - rief photography
thanks to client - photo n editing by rief photography

wedding - rief photography

wedding - rief photography
thanks to ikke n daru - photo n editing by rief photograhy

wedding - rief photography

wedding - rief photography
thanks to client - photo n editing by rief photography

wedding - rief photography

wedding - rief photography
thanks to client - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to client - location on rief studio - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to moel - location on saphir square solo - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to datu model - location on prambanan temple - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to dhatu - location on prambanan temple jogja - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to model - location on rief studio - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to model - location on rief studio - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to model - location on rief studio - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to model - location on rief studio - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to model - location on rief studio - photo n editing by rief photography

model - rief photography

model - rief photography
thanks to model - location on rief studio - photo n editing by rief photography

fashion rief photography

fashion rief photography
thanks to idud farere - location on kalikuning jogja - photo n design by Rief Photography

fashion rief photography

fashion rief photography
thanks to idud farere - location on kalikuning jogja - photo n design by Rief Photography

fashion - rief photography

fashion - rief photography
thanks to model - location on jami' mosque wonosobo - make up by eye bizz - costum by rinjani boutique - photo n editing by rief photography

fashion - rief photography

fashion - rief photography
thanks to model - location on jami mosque wonosobo - photo n editing by rief photography

EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM. vs TAMRON SP AF 17-50MM F/2.8 XR DI II LD ASPHERICAL (IF)

Kelebihan 17-40 : Body Material,Kualitas glass,gengsi tinggi(krna gelang merah),semerek dgn body,Fast AF.
Kekurangan: harga tinggi,f=4..
Kelebihan 17-50 : F=2.8,Ketajaman hampir sama,Harga Setengah dr 17-40.
Kekurangan:Af lambat n berisik,banyak beredar bad copy,body build kurang kokoh.
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Pameran Unit Fotografi UGM "Urban Attack" 26 - 30 Desember 2009

Hadirilah pembukaan pameran lintas Angkatan Unit Fotografi UGM "Urban Attack"
Hari Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009,
Pukul 19:00 - 21:00
di Gedung G Benteng Vredeburg

Special Opening Performance by Rizky Summerbee

CP :
Indri 0856 1036 882
Citra 0817 987 1988

Hadiri juga talkshow "How to Sell Your Photo" bersama Kristupa Saragih dan Dwi Oblo

info :
event pameran :
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